Pet Frog Habitat Where Can I Buy A Cheap Pet Frog?

Where can I buy a cheap pet frog? - pet frog habitat

For the anniversary of my nephew, I present his ego-thing biotope "and it's a pet frog. Where can I get for less at a frog? Petsmart and Petco ... I heard some pets will be expensive, so I can not go there . Furthermore, we live in an area where a large number of ponds, but do not think that a frog in nature that we live well / long in an artificial structure. Please let me know what you think, and if They have actually bought a frog in a shop, I want to what know Thank price paid.!


Anonymous said...

You are right, not a wild frog is good.
Can not say which city is better if we do not know where you live.

Anonymous said...

You are right, not a wild frog is good.
Can not say which city is better if we do not know where you live.

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