Are these religious leaders still alive who helped stop a bad deed in 1943? - john c. holmes
My question on Yahoo Answer 5 March 2009
Dr. Henry A. Atkinson (New York) Chamberlain, Bishop James Baker (California), Harry L. Binsse (New York), Rev. W. Russell Bowie (New York), Dr. Henry Sloane Coffin (New York), Dr. Henry Hitt Crane (Detroit), Dr. Federico Mayo, Eliot (Boston), Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick (New York), Dr. John Holmes Haynes (New York), Rabbi Morris S. Lasso (Baltimore) Rev. Halford E. Luccock ( Connecticut) Bishop Francis J. McCnnell (New York), Rev. John Howard Melish (Brooklyn) RT. Rev. Walter Mitchell (Arizona), Dr. Reinhold Niebuhr (New York), Rev. G. Bromley Oxnam (Boston) RT. Rev. Edward L. Parsons (San Francisco), Rev. Dr. D. De Sola Pool (New York) RT. Rev. John A. Ryan, Washington (DC), Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver (Cleyeland) Dean Clarence R. Skinner (Boston), Rev. Ernest E. Tittle (Illinois) final. Who knows? I am sure that all spelling, where I this information is not really clear. Could a link can go on the net?
John C. Holmes Are These Religious Leaders Still Alive Who Helped Stop A Bad Deed In 1943?
8:39 PM
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